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Weapon as an award
What to give as an award to a feat-performer? How to thank someone for an outstanding service or work? How to make a special mention of arts and sports achievements? What would inspire eyewitnesses to their own victories? What can be worthy of a Hero? What can be worthy of a Man? If you refer to the history of awarding and treatment of awards, you will understand that there was no such thing as ancestors' award weapons. Nothing has been cherished that much and handed down to children with awe and respect. The history of Russian award weapons is closely connected to such thing as the Golden Weapon. The Golden Award Weapon was our forefathers' one of the most desired awards. This award was in the form of cold edged arms and it was given for meritorious service, achievements, and feats. Today when cold arms have switched from the means of fighting to a symbol (a symbol of victory and achievements), it is particularly evident that it is destined to be an award, a nothing to replace with award. And it follows from this statement that nowadays there are Award weapons in the form of cold edged arms. Being an official distributor of the award weapons for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, for a few years the Gifts Foundation STATUS is part of the Russian awards system.