Award Weapon is a means of encouragement. Encouragement is the right of authority. The relationships between a gift-giver and a gift-taker are the relationships between a superior and a subordinate. The award cold weapon is given as personal recognition.
On the blade, hilt and sheath of the decoration weapon there can be a list of achievements of the person and/or depictions of given awards. As a rule symbols of a testimonializing organization are placed on decoration weapons.
We need to differentiate the state award weapon from the social organization award weapon.
In the first case normally the weapon which is given on an order of a state military office's head is meant. For example, the award weapon of the Ministry of Defense. Then award sword-blades are considered combat weapons.
In the second case we speak about the weapon that is given according to the decision of the governing body of a social organization or its convened executive board. For example, the award weapon of the International Managers Club. Then award sword-blades are considered to be souvenir and uncontrolled items.
The prize weapons are the type of the decoration weapon. It is given for winning in competitions (for example, prize weapons of Rally Trophy). On the blade, hilt and sheath of prize weapons you can find inscriptions regarding the ranking, category and competition (contest) itself.
The award weapon is ordered by an award-giver.
The prize weapons can be ordered by either an event organizer or an event sponsor.